The most frequent hereditory macular dystrophy
Stargardt disease is the most frequent macular dystrophy.
It is considered as a rare disease.
A disease is considered rare when it concerns less than one person out of 2 000, under 30 000 patients in France.
The world ratio is 1.2 per 10 000.
Country | Population | ABCA4 1,2 /10 000 persons |
AFRICA | 1 095 480 000 | 131 458 |
LATIN AMERICA AND CARRIBEAN | 609 618 000 | 73 154 |
NORTH AMERICA | 353 430 000 | 42 412 |
ASIA | 4 292 880 000 | 515 146 |
EUROPA | 740 455 000 | 88 855 |
OCEANIA | 38 228 400 | 4 587 |
WORLD | 7 130 100 000 | 855 611 |
FRANCE | 63 000 000 | 7 560 |
Origin : Institut national d’études démographiques –
World Population Prospects. Nations Unies. 2011
The most common form appears before the age of 20 (typical child form). The disease affects both sexes and is apparently not related to any geographical specification.